Saturday, August 18, 2012

Week one-success!!! :-)

Our first book this year was Flat Stanley. This is what reading time looked like in our "classroom".

Getting ready....

Ashley baked us a wonderful batch of fresh blueberry muffins from scratch and Ryan was busy getting his chores done before school.

First day of school!!!

I can't believe my little sweeties have started another great school year. We are very proud to announce the addition of Ryan in our classroom!!!
Ashley--5th grade

Bring on the fun, we're ready ;-)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bible Study Easter Program

The homeschool kids put on a nice program about the story of Easter. Good job by all :)

Easter Art Projects

Just pretend Ryan has pants on :-) He has his usual post nap no pants outfit on. Lol

Friday, February 24, 2012

Date Festival

Fun day at the Date Festival!  Lots of animals to look at and enjoy.  We watched pig races (hilarious).  They raced around a track to get to the prize, which was a single oreo on a silver platter.  The audience was divided by color/cheering sections =-)

The kids loved all the baby animals.  The petting zoo had some very exotic creatures, like the Cavies from South America.  They looked like a cross between giant rodents and kangaroos.  Water Buffalo, Yaks, Lamas were a few other interesting critters in there.  Sea Lions were fun to watch too.

Both kids sat in Border Patrol cars, complete with flashing lights and sirens.

Nobody went too nuts on the junk food.  Ryan is in love with Cotton Candy, Ash just wanted a vanilla swirly cone.  The deep fried zucchini was pretty darned good, I must say.  We passed on the deep fried Twinkie's!

Air Force LOL

I saw this posted on Mo's Facebook wall and thought it was pretty funny!  =-)